Tuesday 19 January 2016

Hanuwantia Island Near Indore

Are you fond of going out with family to celebrate weekends !!. What about visiting an Island just 150Kms off Indore. Amazing isn't it. I explored Hanuwantia as my first trip in 2016.

Pictures speak for themselves.


MP Tourism Cottages, I think 6 cottages, fare 3290/- . Easily accessible, you can take your car till your cottage. AC rooms with basic facility.Make online booking if you are planning for stay.

Run by MP Tourism. (There is no other option for food). No Wine, its family place.

Getting There: 150KMS from Indore
Indore - Sanawad
Sanawad - Punasa (Take bypass to Mundi)
Before Mundi there is an junction,
take here towards Singaji Thermal Plant.
You will see MPT boards towards Hanuwantia from this junction.

Road Condition:
90% Good, 2-3 kms is under construction. 
Entry Time: 11:00AM

Sports: JetSki(Rs.400), Speed Boat(Rs.100/-), Narmada Queen Cruise(For 40 members)

For Kids:Kids can enjoy garden, so go with football, badminton or cricket kit. And yes why not your favorite instrument. 

Route Map: 2 Tools on this way...

Wednesday 5 November 2014


Chaturbhuj temple at Orchha

he day I first saw the photographs.
 Orchha. a town in the middle of the forest – one of the places where life goes at its own pace without worrying about what is happening in rest of the world. Orchha has an array of surprises for pilgrims and also the vacationers alike. This small size town allows all the ancient structures – the palaces in the fort, the very tall Chaturbhuj Temple and the cenotaphs of the kings to dominate the landscapes.

View from Lakshminarayan Temple

Climb up on one of these buildings and you see the other structures standing so high that they make everything else in the vicinity look like miniature models. The views suddenly give the idea of being in a lost country ruled by kings living in a magical, opulent world .Orchha is known for its elegant architecture and its unique sequential development of domes, brackets, pillars, arches and ledges. Exteriors & interior of Orchha Fort, temples and cenotaphs is a remarkable example of Bundela art, which is reflected in the gently flowing water of the Betwa River.
The unspoiled beauty of this small town by the Betwa stems from its eclectic mix of nature, history and architecture and is only now being widely recognized.

A scene from song 'Kata Kata' with Chaturbhuj Temple of Orchha in the backdrop

A scene of Song 'Kata Kata' over the low bridge on Betwa River with the Chhatris in the backdrop in Orchha.

The Orchha Fort is one of India’s most spectacular. Orchha fort is pretty huge with amazing architecture and views. Orchha use to be main center and capitol of the mighty Bundela dynasty during 15-16th century. The Orcha Fort is the primary attraction that has spectacular palaces like  Raja Mahal, Raja Praveen Mahal and Jehangir Mahal that is built with an open quadrangle.  Jahangir Mahal, is a fine example of perfect symmetry, it provides a breath taking view of the river side and the chattris. There are various fine paintings on walls and ceilings using vegetable colors. Next to Jahangir Mahal, is the Raj Mahal (King and Queen’s Palaces). 

Jahangir Palace

Open Court of Jahangir Palace

Ramayan Scene Painted on walls
The entrance of Raja Mahal shows fine stuccowork and stone designs and carvings .These have some fine paintings of Hindu Gods, including Lord Vishnu and His 9 avatars, exquisitely done on the ceilings of the halls inside the palace. The palaces here stick out in the others for getting fortress-like walls. Now, area of the structure has become been changed right into a Heritage Interpretation Centre’.

LaksmiNarayan temple
The town is also famous for temples like the Raja Ram Temple, the Chaturbhuj temple and the Laxminarayan temple. The Raja Ram temple and the Chaturbhuj temple are associated with the legend of Lord Rama. The Laxminarayan temple is popular for its temple and fort architecture. There are frescoes in the temple depicting various aspects of human life. The interesting thing about it is that the color of these frescoes is still there.
Also interesting may be the prominent cenotaphs of Orchha around the river banks. The cenotaph of Jaswant Singh, who ruled the city from 1675 AD to 1684 AD is of prominent importance. The sanctum sanctorum, placed using the rectangular passage with arched doorways, decorated shikars and also the inverted lotus on top of the domes are typical options that come with Bundela architecture.
Orchha was founded in the 16th century A.D by Bundela ruler king Rudra Pratap. The Bundelas were a warrior tribe who traced their ancestry to a medieval Rajput prince who sacrificed his life for the mountain goddess, Vrindavasini. In return, the goddess proclaimed that the prince and his descendants would be known as ‘Bundelas’, literally means ‘who gave blood’. The Orchha Bundelas are said to be chiefs of the Bundela clan settled all over the plains of North India.
For me journey to this amazing place can not be described in words. I felt like I have reached to medival era where Mahals (palaces) and chhatris are spread all over the region. Its a worth visitng place.

Reaching there
Located 460 kilometres from Delhi on the Agra-Khajuraho route on national highways 25 and 26, Orchha, is approximately an eight-hour drive from Delhi. The area is a half hour's drive from Jhansi, which is well connecting with the rail network. Since, Jhansi is centrally located; people may visit the place on a short journey plan only. From Jhansi, Orchha is only 15 km, which can be travelled by taxis, auto-rickshaws or other local transport. Though Orchha has a railway station, it is not well-connected. The nearest airports to Jhansi/Orchha are located in Gwalior and Khajuraho.


Wednesday 20 August 2014

Madhai - Satpura Hills, Near Bhopal

आज  आपको हम एक ऐसी जगह चल रहे हैं जहां वातावरण शांत है, कल-कल बहती नदी का किनारा है और प्रकृति के आंचल में विचरते वन्य जीव हैं, देशी विदेशी पक्षियों का कलरव है. अन्य टूरिस्ट स्पॉट की तरह पर्यटकों की रेलमपेल नहीं है. हम बात कर रहे हैं होशंगाबाद जिले के टूरिस्ट स्पॉट मढ़ई की. पचमढ़ी को सतपुड़ा की रानी कहा जाता है. पचमढी रानी है, तो मढ़ई सतपुड़ा की राजकुमारी. 

भोपाल से करीब 130 किलोमीटर दूर मढ़ई सतपुडा नेशनल पार्क का हिस्सा है. डेढ हजार वर्ग किलोमीटर में फैले विशाल सतपुड़ा के जंगल में इस राजकुमारी मढ़ई का साम्राज्य करीब डेढ सौ वर्ग किलोमीटर में है.
भोपाल से पचमढी के रास्ते में सोहागपुर से पहले एक भारतीय आत्मा पं. माखनलाल चतुवेर्दी का गांव माखननगर यानी बाबई पड़ता है. बाबई से आगे बढ़ने पर मुख्य मार्ग से दाहिनी तरफ का रास्ता मढ़ई को जाता है. करीब 20 किलोमीटर चलने पर एक खूबसूरत नजारा आपके सामने होता है, यह मढई है. 

कल कल बहती देनवा नदी और दूर पहाडियों का नजारा, नदी में लहराती सरपट भागती वोट घाटी से ऐसी दिखती है मानो नीले आसमान में राकेट रफ्तार भर रहा हो. नदी के उस पार वन विभाग का गेस्ट हाउस है. इस पार रिसॉर्ट और कुछ होटल भी बन गए हैं. घाट पर ही आपको सतपुडा टाइगर रिजर्व के काउंटर में भुगतान करने पर बोट, गेस्ट हाउस और भ्रमण के प्रवेश पास मिल जाते हैं. बोट आपको उस पार छोड देती है. गेस्ट हाउस के कक्ष भी मढई को घेरे तीन नदियों देनवा, सोनभद्र और नागद्वारी के नाम पर हैं. गर्मियों में भी इन नदियों को सदानीरा बनाए रखने के लिए तवा डेम से पानी छोड़ा जाता है. देनवा नदी किनारे शाम का अदभुत सौंदर्य आपको स्तब्ध कर देता है, प्रसन्नता से स्तब्ध. चीतल के छौने परिसर में घूमते आपके आगे-पीछे किसी मासूम बच्चे की तरह दुलार करते हैं, नीलगाय आपसे पूछती सी लगती है, हमें क्या लाए हैं?
यहां ढलती शाम और धीरे धीरे आती रात और मोबाइल नेटवर्क का अभाव आपको सुकून से भर देता है.

मढई के वन प्रांतर में तफरीह की सफारी तीन तरह की हैं. जिप्सी में गाइड के साथ 22 किमी, 45 किमी या फिर दिन भर का फेरा. हाथी की सफारी है. आधा रास्ता जिप्सी से और फिर टाइगर के दीदार के लिए हाथी पर सवार होकर रास्ता छोड़ वन प्रांतरों की सैर. जिप्सी की सधी चाल कई दफा उंचे नीचे रपटीले उबड़-खाबड़ हो जाने वाले रास्ते पर जरा भी टेड़ी नहीं होती. गाइड और वाहन चालक में गजब का तालमेल. कभी गाइड को तो कभी ड्रायवर को कुछ ऐसा दिखा जो टूरिस्ट को दिखाना है, फौरन आहिस्ता से जिप्सी बैक कर बताते हैं. ये देखिए जंगली गिलहरी, वो सबसे उंचे पेड़ की सबसे उंची टहनी पर, साढ़े तीन फुट की गिलहरी. हमारी निगाह टिक जाती है, इस गिलहरी पर. पल-पल में एक पेड़ से दूसरे पर बंदर से भी तेज गति से छलांग लगाती, कभी काला तो कभी सुनहरा रंग बदलती.
सतपुडा टाइगर रिजर्व में 46 टाइगर हैं, एरिया डेढ हजार वर्ग किमी है, दिख जाए तो सौभाग्य की बात है. हां अक्टूबर से फरवरी के बीच हर दूसरे तीसरे दिन मढ़ई में बाघ दिखता ही दिखता है
सफारी की वापसी की राह पर चीतलों का समूह, चीतल के छोटे से छौने, नीलगाय आप भूला न पाएंगे. आप भी एक बार मिलिएगा जरूर सतपुड़ा की राजकुमारी से.
BSNL Network is available now.
For Stay:
Forest Rest House,Madhai
Madhai WildLife Lodge http://madhairesort.com/
Go with family/group.
Best time is October to January 


Hindi Content Source:

Thursday 5 June 2014

Uttarakhand Hill Stations


The snow-covered mountains of Khirsu offer a panoramic view of the Central Himalayas and attract a large number of tourists. From here one can get a clear view of many named & unnamed peaks. Located 19 kms. Away from Pauri at an altitude of 1,700 mts., khirsu is a peaceful spot, free from pollution. Only the chirping of birds breaks the tranquility of the adjoining thick Oak and Deodar forests and apple orchards. The ancient temple of Ghandiyal Devta in the vicinity is well worth a visit. Accommodation is available at the Tourist Rest House and Forest Rest House.

Lansdowne hill station

Lansdowne is the quietest unexplored, unspoiled as well as beautiful hill station in India. This hill station is located at about 1700 meters above sea level and is surrounded by dense oak and pine forestsin the Pauri Garhwal district of the state of Uttaranchal. Lansdowne has a very salubrious weather nd a pristine environment. You can relax and rejuvenate away from all the hustle and bustle of the city life. You can also try out trekking, bird watching, boating and paddling in the lake etc. You can get spectacular views of the surroundings and cozy ambience in the Lansdowne Hotels and someof the prominent ones are Hotel Fairy Dale, Palm Tree hotel, Shanti Raj Hill Cave Resort, Lans View Hotel etc

Chopta hill station

Chopta is situated on the Gopeshwar-Ukhimath Road which is placed at about 40 kilometers from Gopeshwar. Chopta is located at an altitude of about 2,900 m above sea level and is one of the most picturesque spots in the whole garhwal region. The area is rich in alpine vegetation, orchids and rhododendron and the valley is crisscrossed by the meandering rivers. Kedarnath wildlife sanctuary is present here and it is one of the famous tourist spots of the Chopta region. Chopta is also referred to as the Switzerland of India and is a photographer's delight as well.

If you visit Chpota must visit nearby Tungnath & Chandrashila.  

Chamba hill station

Chamba is a small town, located at about 50 kilometers from Mussoorie. Chamba in the Uttaranchal region is not much known as an hill station to the tourists and so not much spoilt. This is a beautiful unexplored hill station located at about 1600 meters above sea level surrounded by pine and deodar trees. This is a very quiet and picturesque as well as an ideal place to relax and rejuvenate from the daily humdrum of a city life.

Kanatal hill station

Kanatal is a hill station situated at an altitude of about 2590 meters and is located on the Chamba Mussoorie highway. Kanatal is where the temperatures remain pleasant throughout the year. This is one of the best places where you can see a snow white winter during December - February.
Kanatal is an hamlet which is built around numerous hills and gives you a spectacular view of the snow capped hiills and the green forests. Kanatal is located at about 300 kilometers from Delhi. The route to reach Kanatal from Delhi is to reach Roorkee first through Meerut and then from Roorkee you can follow two routes to reach the hill station. One route is through, Chhutmalpur, Dehradun, Mussoorie, Dhanolti and then Kanatal. The other is through Haridwar, Rishikesh, Narendranagar, Chamba and reach Kanatal
Activities available in the Kanatal hill station are trekking/ walking through the long trails of lush green meadows, go for picnics, meditation and yoga as the place is so calm and quiet. This would be the best place for the writers and authors with reflecting on provoking thoughts as well as travelling for sightseeing nearby places like Surkhanda Devi Temple, Kodia Jungle, Tehri Dam. The other hill stations like Mussoorie, Chamba, Dehradun and Dhanaulti are also nearby and yu can make day trips to see them making Kanatal your base.

Kausani Hill station

Kausani is located in the Kumaon region of the state of Uttaranchal in India. The hill station is placed at an altitude of 1890 meters above sea level.
Kausani is well known for the beauty of the landscape that offers you beautiful and mind boggling views of the Kumaon Himalayan region and the himalayan peaks Nanda devi, Trishul as well as the Nandakot

Almora Hill station

Almora is one of the most popular torurist destinations of the state of Uttaranchal. Almora is also known as the cultural capital of the Kumaon Region. The best seasons to travel are from April to June and from September to November. The winters are very cold out there in Almora.
Almora is surrounded by the mighty himalayas and is a famous hill station. You can visit many places in the Almora hill station . some of the worth seeing places are the 1000 year old nandadevi temple , The chitai temple about 8 kilometers from the city, 800 year old sun Temple at Katarmal about 7 kilometers from Almora and a group of 125 temples mostly of Lord Shiva dating back to 11 ADlocated among the dense deodar forests and the Jageshwar considered to be one of the 12 jyotirlingas of Lord Shiva.

Nainital hill station

Nainital, a smal town located in the hills of the Kumaon, surrounded by mountains on the three sides and revolves around the lake of Naini. This is a beautiful hill district nestled in the lap of the central himalayas and it is said to believe the rishis brought the scared waters from the lake of Manasarovar to form Nainaital / lake.

Nainital is located at an altitude of 1938 meters above sea level. Nainital is also known as the Lake District as there are more than 60 lakes in the area. Other than these lakes gorgeous mountains and the lush green vegetation adds to the beauty of the hill resort Nainital. There are many places to visit in the area like Bhowali, Ramgarh, Bhimtal, Naukauchiatal and many more.
Pant Nagar is the nearest airport to go to Nainital, which is located at about 70 kilometers from Nainital.
Kathogadam railway station is the nearest and is 35 kilometer away.

Auli hill station

Auli is located in the Chamoli district as a part of the garhwal mountain range in the northern parts of Uttaranchal. Auli is well known for the skiing slopes more than anything else. The deodar and the oak forests cover the area from the chilly winds and reduces the velocity to some extent.

Mukteshwar hill station

Mukteshwar is a well known hill station located at an altitude of 2286 meters above sea level in the Kumaon region of the Uttaranchal. In Mukteshwar there is a temple for Lord Shiva, 350 years old, known as Mukteshwar Dham. The temple is located at about 42 kilometers from Haldwani, 51 from Nainital and 395 kilometers from Delhi. Mukteshwar is an ideal place for the tourists who like to laze around , go for leisurely walks through the winding paths .
The Mukteshwar Dham is at an altitude of 2315 meters above sea level and has a stone stair case to climb up to the temple. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and there is a lingam made of white marble there Next to the temple is the Chauli jali which is a natural latticework on the rock.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Pranpur,Budelkhand,MP:Village Tourism



Pranpur, Madhya Pradesh. Located in Central India's Bundelkhand region.

Pamper yourself with a visit to the Amraee Guest House in the village guest house is about 3 km from Chanderi, famous for its silks. Visit the village and let the rhythm of the looms create magic for your eyes and ears while you interact with weavers and design your own drape. The more adventurous could try their hand at weaving. Watch village life or visit the historic city of Chanderi while its past is unravelled brick by brick. Enjoy the folk tales hidden in the heart of Bundelkhand and surrender to folk music and lively dances of another India! Amraee will rejuvenate you with its earthiness and historic charm.

Amraee Guest House is set in the middle of a mango orchard and it abounds in colourful butterflies and birds. Step out for a trek along the seasonal river Babhutia into the forest nearby or just climb the hillocks around for a better view of Pranpur. 

Chanderi is a city of 'baolis' or step wells built by the Sultans. There are at least 500 'baolis' across Chanderi, dating back to several centuries. 

How to get there?
The nearest airport is Bhopal (232 km) – there is a taxi stand by Akbar Travels who provide a reliable taxi service. The nearest railway station is Lalitpur about 35 km from Pranpur. There are several trains to Lalitpur from Delhi and Mumbai that leave through the day and a few to other major stations such as Jhansi (110 km) and Mungawli (40 km) in Madhya Pradesh. From Lalitpur, buses to Chanderi can drop you off at Pranpur. A pick-up can be organised on request.

To view the exact location of Pranpur on the map click here


Once the rains start in July, the area begins to cool off. From August the festivals begin and it is a mass of colour, music and dance all around. The best weather is from November to February when it becomes cold and the bonfires burn bright.

  • Alcohol is not served and consumption is not allowed on the guest house premises



About the Green Hotel

The Green Hotel has been set up as a model of sustainable tourism:

  • to preserve a historic building
  • to incorporate, wherever possible, energy saving and environmentally aware practices
  • to use Indian craft items in furnishing, equipment and restoration
  • to be a good employer, offering equal and fair opportunities
  • to train staff and develop their potential
  • to provide visitors with the opportunity to enjoy traditional hospitality rather than modern day uniformity.
All profits are distributed to charitable and environmental projects in India.

"The Chittaranjan Green Hotel ... a place which gives pleasure to the mind ..."
- The Star of Mysore, April 1995
The hotel has been selected as one of the "World's Best Ideas" by the Institute of Social Inventions, London. The hotel has won first prizes in the Mysore Horticultural Society's best garden competition, and has received an award from the British Guild of Travel Writers Tourism Project. We have also featured in the Green Hotelier Magazine and on BBC World Service television.